Looking to move into this wonderful community?
Congratulations! You have made the right choice! Let us help you with planning your move as seamlessly as possible.
Move Day Planning
Make sure to let JLL know that you will be moving in on a particular day. Give them a couple of days notice so they can give advance notice to the Security office so your truck isn’t held up at the gate!
Plan for having a small height transport vehicle available in addition to the main truck that gets your luggage. This is because the last few metres from the basement entry ramp to the lift is inaccessible to the trucks with large height.
Please instruct the luggage transport company to use the service lift for moving all furniture.
Your neighbourhood Telegram
One of the first things to do as you come into the community it to get yourself invited and added to the Telegram social networking group chat of the Society. There are at least a few Telegram forums active. Most important is to get yourself added to the “Primanti Residents” Telegram group. Ask one of your neighbours to get yourself added. There may be some other forums specific to your tower or block etc.
No Broker Hood for raising complaints issues
Tata has given the contract to JLL to manage the operations of our premises. You may have feedback or face some maintenance issues or might notice something in the common areas that needs attention and fixing. We are using a platform called NoBroker Hood that you can use to raise complaints (also called as Tickets). Get yourself an account with the NBH app and install their app on your phone and then ticket way all your problems to resolution (well.. not all 🙂 )
Blend In
Come be a part of the community. Search and Join the social media facebook group for Primanti to connect with your neighbours. Keep abreast of the events etc.